Exciting news around here as Lakeside becomes a Senior Life Community!! We are now offering Senior Apartments for older, independent adults! Just before you have to start scooping snow, right!? We are so excited to announce Grace Estates by Lakeside, which is the new name for our Senior Apartments & Assisted Living!! Celebrate with us on September 23rd, 9am - 11am during our DRIVE-THROUGH Donuts & Coffee giveaway!! The public is welcome to drive though, grab a donut, say hello, honk your horn & give us a sweet smile (watch the windows, I'm pretty sure some big smiles & waves will be coming your way)!! We are here for you, whether you need nursing care, support with daily tasks or just don't want to mow another lawn! Let us know if you have any questions!
P.S. Keep an eye out for another website coming soon, Grace-Estates .com!!